Here is some stuff, both poetry and paranoia


Who lives down in deepest darkest Africa?

Only the fittest.

Nothing else lasts long.

Darwinian warriors in perpetual jungle warfare.

The living don’t last,

only Life itself.

Nothing with an evolutionary disadvantage

like a white lion

would last a minute.

Says Ol’ Dan’l.

The Arts Council

The revolution will not be funded by the Arts Council

The revolution will not be funded by the Arts Council

The revolution will not be funded by the Arts Council

So what is the use of it?

The Man in the Moon

Everybody believes that man never went to the moon because that is what they want you to believe.  If they wanted everyone to believe that man went to the moon, that is what everyone would believe.  Please do not fool yourself that it would be otherwise.  So why do they say that man went to the moon, but then make everyone believe that man did not go to the moon?  Because they are hiding something else.  They are distracting you from the fact that man cannot fly at all.  Yes I have seen the film too.  I also know that the so-called Wright Brothers later changed their name to Warner Brothers, and were the first Hollywood special FX artists.  If man could really fly, how come nobody I know has ever flied?  How come I never have?

One response to “Here is some stuff, both poetry and paranoia

  1. Pingback: My mate Joe Chip says: the Arts Council will not fund the Revolution « 6th Proletarian Anarcho-Lotto-Syndicate

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