Chariots of the gods?

Nice car, Pastor.

What’s the mileage?

Does God drive one like that?


I have a solution

to arguments about evolution:

go and feed the poor.

All of you.  Yes, you too.  Off you go.  Shoosh.


How many angels dance on the head of a pin?

All of them!

All the time!


Join in!


Brand new Theologica

Theologi – car

Shiny bright

Across the sky it can drag a star

Make day from night

For the toughest labours

of Hercules

Safe for the family

and the Crash of the Titans


(You wouldn’t guess its a hybrid.)


Yes, it remains a fact that no matter how often they look in the Holy Book, not a theologian alive can tell me, what does God drive.  The only motorbike in the Bible is the Triumph, though.

I posted a poem about ancient astronauts and relationships with fathers here.

And please remember, the portal to all things Joe Chippish is here.

Homeopathy and other fictions


A homeopath

is a sociopath

in your home

putting drops into everything

and you don’t know about it.

Who knows where your water has been?

Memory persists in water.

Memory persists in me.

I still see the faces staring up from under the ice.

When that frozen water melts,

what memories it will carry to the sea.


I’m not picking on alternative medicine this week, though it might seem like that.  I don’t trust any medicine.  I like the old Chinese way, you only pay your doctor while you are well.  I don’t like their medicine though.  Homeopaths water down their treatments to the nth degree.  Memory persists in the water, they say.  But what else has that water seen?  What other memories is it carrying in to me?  What poisons, what disasters?  Water from drowned lungs, water from flooded cities, from industrial processes, the urination of the dying … I don’t want it in me, I don’t want the memories of it all.  I’m trying to get rid of memories, I don’t want new ones.


Marine Boy

You need your gadgets boy,

and how cool they are:

rocket propeller shoes

electric boomerang

oxy gum.

But you will never fit in.

Everything underwater will always be blurry before your eyes

obscuring the truth

that the mermaid is never taking you home to meet her parents.

You are a fish out of water, boy

Always just one stick of gum away from death.

That’s no way to live.


Technology obscures our weaknesses.  There is no record in prehistoric times of humans requiring underwater breathing apparatus.  At first the ancient Greeks had no need of it, until Archimedes required a device with pump to explore under water.  Ancient humans travelled great distances across seas without boats.  It is only with the development of civilisation that our ability to breathe underwater has disappeared.  Do our developments make us weak, or is there a more sinister explanation?  Has the ability been deliberately removed, through genetic manipulation, or other means?  DO NOT TRY TO BREATH UNDERWATER, YOU WILL DIE.  Not everyone can be as strong as me.  Not even me.


(The Joe Chip portal has been updated here.)

Here is some stuff, both poetry and paranoia


Who lives down in deepest darkest Africa?

Only the fittest.

Nothing else lasts long.

Darwinian warriors in perpetual jungle warfare.

The living don’t last,

only Life itself.

Nothing with an evolutionary disadvantage

like a white lion

would last a minute.

Says Ol’ Dan’l.

The Arts Council

The revolution will not be funded by the Arts Council

The revolution will not be funded by the Arts Council

The revolution will not be funded by the Arts Council

So what is the use of it?

The Man in the Moon

Everybody believes that man never went to the moon because that is what they want you to believe.  If they wanted everyone to believe that man went to the moon, that is what everyone would believe.  Please do not fool yourself that it would be otherwise.  So why do they say that man went to the moon, but then make everyone believe that man did not go to the moon?  Because they are hiding something else.  They are distracting you from the fact that man cannot fly at all.  Yes I have seen the film too.  I also know that the so-called Wright Brothers later changed their name to Warner Brothers, and were the first Hollywood special FX artists.  If man could really fly, how come nobody I know has ever flied?  How come I never have?